None One Two Three Four Start Back PrimaryShoulder PrimaryIndexTrigger PrimaryHandTrigger PrimaryThumbstick PrimaryThumbstickUp PrimaryThumbstickDown PrimaryThumbstickLeft PrimaryThumbstickRight PrimaryTouchpad SecondaryShoulder SecondaryIndexTrigger SecondaryHandTrigger SecondaryThumbstick SecondaryThumbstickUp SecondaryThumbstickDown SecondaryThumbstickLeft SecondaryThumbstickRight SecondaryTouchpad DpadUp DpadDown DpadLeft DpadRight Up Down Left Right Any
///<summary> /// Gets the current state of the given virtual button mask with the given controller mask. /// Returns true if any masked button is down on any masked controller. ///</summary> publicstaticboolGet(Button virtualMask, Controller controllerMask = Controller.Active) { return GetResolvedButton(virtualMask, RawButton.None, controllerMask); }